Friday, April 16, 2010

So is this rocket science?

As this module draws to a close, I think I have finally found an answer. Let me bring you all along on a rollercoaster trip through the thoughts that I had throughout the whole semester.

1. I could explain that with math

At the start of the module, I was very disturbed. As I was reading through the different models of communication, a constant thought went through my mind. Humans love to complicate matters. Things got worse when the models went from linear, to quadratic, to infinite dimensions. I thought I was going to solve differential equations.

Suddenly I had a very crazy thought. I was thinking about how to find a mathematical equation that explains how people interact. It seemed possible because if all else fails I can fall back on my conservation laws. I thought I was going mad. I feared becoming like the lead in "A Beautiful Mind".

2. Merely guidelines

Fortunately, things took a turn for the better. When Brad said the rules were all merely guidlines, I heaved a huge sigh of relief. Suddenly all thoughts of that all encompassing equation disappeared and I am glad I retained my sanity. All but 7 rules were left in my head; the 7Cs. Of course, 7Cs beat having equations of infinite power...

3.It just sounds better

As the number of skills builder we were exposed to increase, I could not help but notice how intuitively everything was. Too intuitive in fact. Everytime I saw a certain tip, I would often go, "Hey I knew that!" Yet someone was always able to take take the most intuitive and most simple of things, put it into words, make it sound impressive and suddenly it seemed like no one had thought of such intuitive behaviors before. Human capacity never fails to impress me. However, suddenly something simple became so complex again. I was once again perplexed.

4. Purely subjective
This is right, that is wrong and that could be improved further. Assignment after assignments, I got increasingly dejected. It seemed like there was not a way to improve myself contrary to what was being advocated by websites. As days go by, it seemed like my grades were going to be purely based on talent. Maybe it IS rocket science because I simply did not get it.

5. A Grand Finale
Then came the project. As my team and I revised drafts after drafts and got feedback after feedback from Brad, suddenly things looked a little brighter. The 7Cs came into use and the feedback slowly made our proposal look better. The proposal was finally a polished end product. I was pleased.

Soon there was nothing much left in the way but the presentation. This was when it all came together. The 7Cs made sense. The different guidelines from the presentation websites and from Brad's feedback helped a lot as well. Truly, my teammates really showed what guidelines mean; they are merely guidelines. While we were influenced by the 'new' style, they maintained their own individuality and it all came together nicely in the end. And the bad habits, something I thought would cause my downfall, could actually be controlled. I was elated by the discoveries from just one course.

Communication is not rocket science. It might be complicated at times and made to sound more perplexed than it actually is by Man but I would say it is more akin to an art. The things one encounters in communication might be counter-intuitive but it just needs that extra bit of effort. It needs that extra effort to constantly be aware and to constantly work hard and try to change the counter-intuitive things to become second nature. I am glad it is not rocket science as I embark on my continual path to perfecting this art....

Monday, April 12, 2010

The second closest thing to death

It has to be public speaking. Just as Brad has said before, many people think that public speaking is the second closest thing to death. I must say I went into the presentation feeling both nervous and confident. On the one hand I was confident that my team and I had done our preparation and done all that we could. On the other hand, I was extremely nervous. I have a couple of reasons for panicking.

1. The first time

It was not the first time I presented in front of people. In the past I have never paid much attention to presentations or speaking in front of a group of people. I always thought that if you can speak you can speak, there is nothing much to learn. Apparently not. Probably something I have learnt from this course it that public speaking CAN be improved. There are so many things to prepare and so many things a speaker should try to take note of it is almost impossible to be fully prepared. One can only try to make it second nature by having more practice. It was mainly because I found out so much that I can actually improve on in my presentation that made me such a nervous wreck.

2. You can't see yourself but people can see you

This is closely linked with the first point. Just like singing, many people think they sing splendid. I always thought I sing splendid until I recorded myself. It was quite terrible I must admit. Similarly, I always thought I was fine when I spoke until it was pointed out to me about certain habits that I have when I am presenting. It really came as a surprise. Ever since I have been trying hard to keep those feedback in mind and try to improve myself. Of course with even more to add to the to-do list during presentations, I cannot help but get nervous.

3. Old habits die hard
This is probably the main reason for my anxiety. Certain habits such as turning to look at the powerpoint slides, shifting around, slouching or playing with my fingers all these bad habits are quite natural. To keep them in check, I had to constantly remind myself and coupling that with the presentation, I can feel myself shaking a little especially when I force myself to not turn to the slides for that brief few seconds of escape.

I must say I did enjoy myself even though it was a very nervous 30mins or so but I felt very happy that I learnt something from the course and also had a chance to put the things I have learnt into practice. Additionally I want to thank everyone for their attention. Things really became much better when I see everyone listening and giving positive non-verbal cues. Thank you everyone.

Okay I think it is getting a little bit long so I will end here. See you all for the last lesson this thursday.